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11-25-03 - 11:41 a.m.

It is so damn cold outside.

Why? I mean seriously, what is the point of such utterly bone-penetrating, ear-numbing, finger-freezing weather?

And why does my vanity lead to my popsicle-like state? "Buy the thick jacket," my mom says, but do I listen? No, I think it's too "bulky."

I get one of those cloth headband things that cover your ears so that they don't try to escape from your head and find a warmer place in front of someone's fireplace or something, and I always lose it. Every damn time, because I don't want to wear the damn thing while I am in class, I end up losing it. So, next winter, I'm going to bite the bullet, and get one of those big eskimo jacket things with the fuzzy hood, and walk around knocking shit over because I'm so bulky, and a brand new headband, and im never taking the headband off, not even in the shower. Screw vanity; I choose life.


Another thing, anyone out there in the cyberworld who would like to purchase Finding Nemo for me?

If you're saying to yourself "Oh, finally! Someone I can buy Finding Nemo for!" Then just sign my guestbook, and I'll get back to you.


And now for another installment of...

Red's Snappy Grammar Tips.

Today's lesson is: Adjective vs. Adverb.
Okay, kiddies, listen up, because this one is such a common mistake. I assume you people know the difference between an adjective and an adverb, am I right? They both describe, but an adjective describes a noun, and an adverb can describe a verb, or an adjective in some cases (but not a noun). The definitions are quite simple, but apparently something is lost in the travel from the definition to the application, because I constantly hear people say things like, "I'm feeling bad," or "I think I did terrible."

These sentences use adjectives where adverbs should be. In most cases, all you have to do is add "ly" to the end of the adjective, and out pops the adverb that you need.

"I'm feeling badly." When I hear someone say that phrase, I get all happy inside because it lets me know that someone else out there knows what's up.


Puzzle update:

All of the pieces with brown in them are done, which means that we have successfully completed the framework of the puzzle, and it has eight separate frames. We have also finished most of the people. Some are missing a head or an arm, but they have come a long way from being just the corner of a robe.

I would say that about one-sixth of the puzzle is complete. Go us. Special thanks to Jamie for being right there with me at one in the morning trying to find where that damn bird on the piece is in the picture of the puzzle.

Until next time - I'm the only gay eskimo in my tribe.

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